I love this game to pieces. It's charming and fun.
In the game you start off as a boy or girl and find a magic box to grant you a wish with your sister. Your sister is then shot dead and the game starts.
During the course of the game, you will be accompinied by your faithful dog. This dog is easy to get attached to. It helps you find treasures, (Even if it is a condom....) helps you to fight and be your friend.
You also get to choose wheter you will be a nice, fun loving guy or the eviliest twat in exsistance. Your choices within the game affect your looks and how people treat you. If your a good guy, merchants will lower there prices and if your evil, vice versa.
I chose to be a nasty, ruthless killer, with several dead wives and all the guards after me because i killed over 500 people. This is fun but has it's consequences.
You can also get get married and have kids. This is a bad idea unless you plan to visit them every day. Save this feature till the end as it gets rather irritating being whined at by the kiddies because you don't visit.
Spells and guns have no limit. This keeps the action fast and the 3 buttons, (X for melee, Y for ranged wepons and B for spells.) The more you vary or concentrate on these the more you character will change. You spells a lot and white viens will show up on your body.
Expirence points arn't earned like in WoW or Pokemon, if you kill someone, blue, green, yellow or red orbs scatter the area and these will go toward your next spell or skill or even physique.
The charming aspect comes from all this, because it is so fun. The characters, are very life like and charming. Even if they do repeat themselves over time. The action is fast paced and comes in short bursts and having a sexy time with several people, is rather funny.
You earn achievments when you play with your dog, so just try everything with the dog and you'll rack up about 30 points in a matter of minutes.
CO-OP is generally solid and has all the great qualities of what co-op should be. Player 1 takes the lead and player 2 just stands around waiting to fight. Player 2 gets all your abilities and their own expirence and gold. Friend has to go? Never mind, you get all the loot. I found after an hour of play with my brother, I'd earned about 10,000 gold from it.
Now I mentioned the consequences. These arn't at all probalmatic and nothing a few farts can sort out. Things you will find are that prices go up, people run away from you and you start to look different. EG: My guy ended up with horns and grey skin. The dog just look a right mess.
Now. This game might be fun, but their is always a catch. LionHead didn't atually debug it. (IF YOU GET THE PATCH, IT SHOULD RUN FINE) But for those Xbox Liveless, are taking a gamble. You could get no picture, the abbot doesn't respond, the people don't respond, no sales or other events or time can stand still. So if your at night time, and time freezes, you can't do a blasted thing about it. You cant do anything, no shops etc.
Overall? I give this a 10/10. Brilliant, fun and very amusing. Even if it does have a few bad points. Like the blond in your school, who had the real big boobs, but she had a few spots. She had a huge rack though.
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