Sunday, 14 December 2008

Ok, here's my low down on the console war: PS3 VS XBOX 360

So it seems my iPod can only type on this setting....

Let's start with the pros of both consoles.

- Brilliant graphics
- Decent backlog of games
- Many exclusive titles, (Halo, Gears of War)
- Connectivity with your Windows PC for multimedia. (Media Center)
- Nice, comfortable controller
- Easy to use interface
- Xbox Live is infinatly the better service at the moment
- Nice community within online games
- Ability to use MSN within your games
- Powerful Machine

Playstation 3:
- Brilliant Graphics
- Light controller, easy to use
- Little Big Planet
- Nice interface
- Bluetooth
- Able to hold memory on M2 cards
- Blu-Ray
- In-built browser

The cons:

- Red Ring Of Death
- No unbuilt browser
- No Little Big Planet
- Controllers d-pad is pretty much useless at times
- Stupid idiots who scream into their microphones
- Noisey
- Gets hot

Playstation 3:

- Not enough decent games
- Not enough exclusives, seeing as it's lost Final Fantasy 13, it's next big thing...
- Six-axis is pretty much stupid to be honest. When in GTA did you use it?
- Game developers have to take longer due to blu-ray
- The blu-ray can hold more stuff is stupid, by the time the blu-ray graphics are in, the extra space is redundent.
- It costs too much still.
- Backwards comparability was it's most greatest feature, the newer models no longer have it. Time to buy or dig out your PS2?
- Silly idiots online
- No proper community
- Bluetooth headset is rather idiotic of them. Why not take Miffosofts idea and have it wired and come with the package?
- Its bloody huge!

Now you may be wondering, "Wheres Xbox Live costs?!" Well no, it's a stupid argument. Most people are willing to pay 40 pounds for a year. It's not going to kill most, hard working citizens. But then again, if I wanted to play a game, I'd play the Orange Box on my PC.
Final verdict; until PSN can pick itself up, Xbox Live beats it. Until Microsoft realize that they need to check for bugs in the console, the Playststions reliablity is still not intact either. They too malfunction.
If you want to play games, and proper games, not FIFA, like Gears Of War or Halo, buy the Xbox, it's cheap and good money.
Want a home cinema system/ multimedia center pick up a PS3, there just too little games at the moment.
Oh, and if you want, pick up a good gaming PC for online play. Rumour is, PSN could be charging soon. There's money to be had!

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