Wednesday, 28 January 2009

The Quake Era is dead. Almost.

Why doesn't it drop dead already?! Why does it still feel statisfying to complete it?! I'll tell you why!

It's. Fun.

FUN?! FUN?! Yeah! Quake, Quake 2, Duke Nukem 3D and Half Life (2), all fall into this catagory.

Heres how Quake Era games work:

HOLY SHIT?! WTF? Oh a gun! AH SHIT! Bang! Eat that! Right, run! MURDERISE!! Next level. Repeat. End boss.

Or the more gameplay wise:

Run. Ammo. Shoot. Run. Ammo. Shoot. Next level. Repeat. End boss.

You see? No dramatic stories, no puffs running around in green armour. You get ammo, you blow shit up.

The only modern games to get this were; Half Life 2 and PainKiller. (Shurikens. Lightning. LOL ZERO PUNCTUATION!)
Half Life 2 plays exactly to its older brother. Just with added gravity.
Pain Killer is probably the last of this sort of thing. If you see a weapon, you pick it up automatically. You see ammo, its instantly added when picked up. No dramatics. Just pure fun.

Now adays, we've got Master Chiefs and Stupidly Over Powered Graphically Soldiers. In THE DOG SHITE BROWN. Yes. Why is it always brown?

When Duke Nukem Forever arrives, you can declare Quake era dead.


Other news!

No one reads this!
Little Big Planet 2 might be exactly the same!
GTA4: Lost and the Damned could be added with fun!
Kiddies like to go insane over games!
And Call of Duty 6 might be named; Call Of Duty 6/4: Moderner Warfare. Or Modern Warfare 2.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Playstation Home had its 15 minutes. Now do something with it.

I confess. I do like the Playstation 3's multimedia approach to the consumers. And after april, the price cut will appear and hopefully I'll add it to my Gamecube, PS2, PS1, Wii and Xbox 360, DS and DS lite. It will be welcome, it will replace my Xbox in my room, (the xbox will get the better TV, seeing as, to be honest, no intention on Blu-ray.) I would gladly play LBP properly instead of completing it and having just 3 hours with the creation tool, I'd love to finish Metal Gear Solid 4 properly instead of playing through with my ADD cousin who skipped some cut-scenes, and I'd want to try home out properly too.
My relationship with the PS3 has been shit. I've literally gone to friends and cousins to play. I found most of the games shite bar 5, (LBP, MGS4, Dead Space, GTAIV (even if it is the worst version) and Motorstorm) It just feels unfinished in the games department. Online is by far the worst I've seen. My cousin updated, we waited for litterally, 6 hours for it just to do half. The router may I add was about 5 cm away. The market place generally doesn't compare to the XBOXLIVE MARKET PLACE. Online play sucks ass sometimes, with lag and connection issues surrounding tue consoles I've played on. ALSO! Home, is a piece of garbage. Who ever came up with it needs to play Second Life, take an idea or two and mix it in. Don't add shitty waiting lines, sponsers, (I'll be comong onto EA and Red Bull soon) and the only decent things in it were the creepy guy who followed us, and raped us and! Watchmen adverts. Other than that Sony fucked up.

Off topic, Sony has lost 1.1 billion dollars, which is equal to, 100 billion yen. They also sacked a few people. Yeah, Microsofts going down the shitter too. Sad really.

Anyway. EA have this massive virtual space in Home now, which is completly barren from the screen shots I saw on, but I presume more has been added. Like a few million arcade machines. I hated within my 10 minutes of playtime, all 10 were waiting for the que to die down. Its ridiculous. Red Bull have been bribed in with a plane game. Yippee? No, it looks truly awful.
Really, I've just reviewed Home. If I had more time with it, I'd proper review it, but of course all I did was watch my friend get raped, and wait in a line. Wow, Sony, great job.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

2009, Best Games of 2008, updates, kittens and more!

My list for the best of 2008 got a bit forgotten. So here we go! (again..)

1) LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
2) Fable 2 (XBOX 360)
3) The Orange Box (PC)
4) Fallout 3 (XBOX 360, PC, PS3)
5) COD5: World At War (XBOX 360, PC, PS3)
6) Halo 3 (XBOX 360)
7) Guitar Hero World Tour/ Rock Band 2 (XBOX 360, PS3, WII)
8) Dead Space (XBOX 360, PC, PS3)
9) Left4Dead (XBOX 360, PC)
10) MetalGear Solid 4 (PS3)

Top 5 Flops of the year gone

1) Mirrors Edge
2) Mercinaries 2
3) Wii Fit
4) Guitar Hero DS
5) Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts

Updates? Oh my!

Guitar Hero Metallica is set to be the hardest game to date in the series.
Left4Dead gets new skins.
Sources are lead to believe this year could be the year we hail to the king. I doubt Duke will show his face till late 2010.
PSN is still, no match for XBL.

Now I want to talk about the whole Xbox Live shouldn't cost. Most of the people who complain about it are Americans. And study shows that Americans spent most of their time playing the PS2, and World Of Warcraft. Now hang on. Most who play the WoW games, are infact Americans. And these Americans also might have an XBox. So your willing to spend 10 dollars a month on a game of grind, yet not 60 dollars a year for the best online servife to a console. You baffle me.

DJ Hero is in Development. Yay.

Oh and before I go, Metal Gear Touch.