Sunday, 4 January 2009

2009, Best Games of 2008, updates, kittens and more!

My list for the best of 2008 got a bit forgotten. So here we go! (again..)

1) LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
2) Fable 2 (XBOX 360)
3) The Orange Box (PC)
4) Fallout 3 (XBOX 360, PC, PS3)
5) COD5: World At War (XBOX 360, PC, PS3)
6) Halo 3 (XBOX 360)
7) Guitar Hero World Tour/ Rock Band 2 (XBOX 360, PS3, WII)
8) Dead Space (XBOX 360, PC, PS3)
9) Left4Dead (XBOX 360, PC)
10) MetalGear Solid 4 (PS3)

Top 5 Flops of the year gone

1) Mirrors Edge
2) Mercinaries 2
3) Wii Fit
4) Guitar Hero DS
5) Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts

Updates? Oh my!

Guitar Hero Metallica is set to be the hardest game to date in the series.
Left4Dead gets new skins.
Sources are lead to believe this year could be the year we hail to the king. I doubt Duke will show his face till late 2010.
PSN is still, no match for XBL.

Now I want to talk about the whole Xbox Live shouldn't cost. Most of the people who complain about it are Americans. And study shows that Americans spent most of their time playing the PS2, and World Of Warcraft. Now hang on. Most who play the WoW games, are infact Americans. And these Americans also might have an XBox. So your willing to spend 10 dollars a month on a game of grind, yet not 60 dollars a year for the best online servife to a console. You baffle me.

DJ Hero is in Development. Yay.

Oh and before I go, Metal Gear Touch.

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