Monday, 16 February 2009


PS3 is moving to a smaller chipset thingy. Basically it cuts production costs thus lowering the price. Hooray? No. This also means the fact that something has to go. You see, with Sony's loss of 1.1 Billion Dollars, they cut the cost of the machine in hopes that it will continue to sell on. I think there doing the right thing but, like I said, cheaper machine, something must go. That could mean the privialage of costly multiplayer or something along the lines.
Microsoft, being the 'generous' kind, are allowing all those who purchase GTAIV: Lost and the Damned a free weekend of LIVE. And no, you can't play any other game other than GTA online. This is a rare occasion that Microsoft do this.

Imagine a party. Now imagine all the members from each company who make First Person Shooters (FPS) games. So: Bungie; Crytek; Treyarch; Infinity Ward and the lot. So. Heres the situation: Bungie hosted a party, and invited everyone in the genre. But all the old folks from the Quake and Doom eras left because it was late. So Bungie has the entire group doing the Hand Jive. But Valve came late. Valve doesn't like the idea of doing the Hand Jive. Valve wants to it's own thing.
I hope your following, cause here comes the review part.
Left 4 Dead the new title from the monolith Valve is a zombie FPS shoot'em up. With a bit of survival thrown into. My kind of game. But, it has its problems like anyother game. But lets start with positives.
Left 4 Dead (L4D) pits you against hundreds of zombies or 'Infected' at once. No story lines, just, heres a zombie blast it to bits. KTHXBI. Okay, okay, theres a little intro at the beggining but, I didn't care and either should you as it only really belongs with one of the four campaigns. Along with the four campaigns, it comes with 4 'levels' or 'missions' or infact scenarios in each. It's quick, simple old fashioned fun. But, each campaign can only last up to about an hour each time. Thus bringing up the question, "But, what about replayability?" Thats where Valve's secret weapon comes in. The AI DIRECTOR. Seeing as the game is done in the fashion of B-Horror films, it sort of fits in. Each time, you play through, you'll notice that it isn't the same. Where the pipe bomb was last time, a bottle of pills might have replaced it. Or, where health packs where last time nothing will be there now, leaving you helpless at the wrath of the millions of zombies.
talking of Zombies, there a a select few of special ones. The hunter and its pounce can leave a survivor pinned and being ripped apart, the smoker and it's tounge leaves a survivor being dragged great distances while crushing the foe. A tank is litterally what it says on the tin; big, mean and powerful. And always appears at the wrong times. And, if you hear that siniser music and a women crying, turn off the flash lights and hit ALT to walk. Other wise the witch is gonna get you and rape your ass by instantly knocking you to the floor. A major nuisence but has a great achievment. And you know the best thing? you get to play as these in Versus.
Multiplayer is the main selling point here as well as co-op. But this is a game best played with friends, as the NPCs have whittled down my patience. I NEED HEALING. STOP WALKING OVER ME. Eurgh.
the best thing about this is the fact, you can walk ahead. But the zombies will gang up on you. Stick with teammates and they'll look after you. An added help is the constent sounds, and highlighters that point out different weapons. I also found, putting on subtitles always helps with the Special Infected.
So, an enjoyable multiplayer game with zombies. 9/10

Saturday, 14 February 2009

I would actually shoot my own foot. If it meant I win the Internet.

Guitar Hero!
GH:Metallica is on the way!
GH: Greatest Hits is the best songs from the past games with full Kit support.

I just finished playing the Halo Wars Demo, and for 2 weeks worth of downloading? Its a rent at best.
(Review when the full gMe comes out)

GTA4: Lost and Damned (GTA4LAD) could set GTA back on the Fun course. Oh and Niko's in it now. Yay?
GTA: China Town Wars has no full voice acting, or music lyrics in cars. Instead Rockstar opted for the bigger city and extra features instead. I can live with that.

Resident Evil has Evil controls.
Dead Space IS/MAYBE coming to Wii.
Dead Rising 2 IS confirmed.
Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop HAS been confirmed a poor port.
FallOut3 is still the best game ever.
Street Fighter 4's online play is a swing and a posible miss.
Ric Flair does Red Alert?! Who knew?
I'm enjoying a spit Of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. I have to say, it's brilliant.
What else?
I don't know. But, you know, Steam is the best thing evar!!!1!
I 2 weekends ago, the entire Rockstar package. Every GTA, even 4, Max Payne 1&2, Midnight Club 2, Manhunt, Wild Metal. All for 40 pounds!


Saturday, 7 February 2009

Back in the day... we had to play Street Fighter on a wooden box...

Ah Street Fighter. My favourite game on Xbox Live Arcade, Wii Virtual Channel and Game Boy Advance. Why? I don't know. Maybe the fact it's so retro that it's cool.
But I'm used to saying Street FIghter 2 (SF2), that SF4 seems like a vulgarity in my mouth. Blech. But! When you look at it, you feel your eyes melt away at how pretty it looks. But forget that! I'm here to bitch about controls!

The PS3 version will be fine, I'm sure. It's got a nice D-Pad, and nicly feeling face buttons, making Hadokens a doddle.
The Xbox version... Is slightly hindered. If your a man/women of the interwebs; you know why. The D-Pad is completly retarded. So retared it's usually not included in games anymore. It slips and slides around in your fingers. The only time I used it was in Halo. For about 2 minutes all together each match. And even then I had trouble.

Until now... GO THERE. They range from 30 dollars to around 150 dollars. But in the UK, its halved. So I'm paying 15 quid. Which I then can use on my PC too! I'm getting a sweet deal. I'd love to buy the arcade sticks, but money doesn't grow on trees. And either do they. I think they'd sell out straight away.
Another thing...
That, I will buy. So worth it. :D

As you may probably tell, I'm looking forward to it. I will preorder it. I am so there.