Friday, 7 November 2008

The French don't get how Britiain works. (I hate the French Part |||)

So we went on the trip today. And because it was to a libary in Manchester, (How exciting are we?) and we took the metro tram, its like an over ground subway service. It was full of people going to work and everything, yet the French stick was going round asking strangers to move. Ok, point one; the British don't give up their seats for strangers barring the elderly and preggerz.

Just off point for a few seconds; don't go to central libary for tourist visit. ITS BORING! So old and tatty.

Anyway. On the way back, she decided to take her phone out, sat down next to my friend and started to take pictures of the two of them. He didn't look best pleased. So there she was holding this very posh, LG Viewty and some thug was staring at her. I said, "Sit down, now! In Britian, we don't work like that, anyones gonna mug you at any point!" She sat down and told me, "Why do I sit down?" I just stared in amazment. WOW, I hate you.

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