Thursday 6 November 2008

Games rant, (I hate buggy games.)

Don't you? Todays games are littered with them. Even top selling game, Mercs 2 was filled with glitches. You cpould drop from the highest tower in the game, land, have 2 hit points left and still get up to do it all over again. But the thing was, YOU ALWAYS LAND ON 2 HEALTH! No way around it. Ah well, it's a hell of a lot of fun.

I booted up Duke 64 the other day. What i found was, that, I could see through walls, and being rather confused on the hardest difficulty, i wasted my shotgun just shooting a wall! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW! I just thought that, it was a hard setting, so, hard eniemes. I soon gave up on it and played the superior PC version.

I also got Gears 2. I soon returned it. I did the same with Gears 1 back in 2007. They are not my sort of games. I just can't grasp the controls, let alone the dire story and cheesey acting. Though i give it an A star for effort. It is different. Even if it slightly homosexual in a wierd way, it's different and I'm sure it works a charm; my brain can't figure the controls out. I'm not used to the A button mapped to most actions, even Resi 4, with it's similar control scheme, I found more thrilling. Chainsaw-wielding gay men isn't my bag. Chainsaw-wielding Spaniards is where my party is at. I give it a 4/10.

So, I played a bit of EA's Dead Space at a friends house and I have to say, it's bloody fantastic. But gore doesn't count as horror. talking of EA, Mirrors Edge demo came out, and having watched it for a while in the news etc, i was thrilled to be able to try it out. And I'm glad to say; it's not a dissapointment. It works well, the controls are mapped correctly, the weapons, being not the main aspect, and only having about 5 minutes on the whole with one, arn't the greatest. They don't feel that oomph. But it's not a FPS; it's a FPAPS, if you don't know, thats a First Person Adventure Platform Shooter. Oh yes, if this was 2-D it be like the original Duke Nukems with Sonic and Mario thrown in. It's just great and hope to see more like this from EA.

Sonic... I couldn't care for anymore. I don't want a "WEREHOG". I want Sonic The Hedgehog we all used to know. Not this... watered down, 3-D crap. I mean, I can live with the 2.5-D sections, they look fucking awesome. But the WEREHOG sections look like SOnic Adventure 2 on Gamecube. AND THAT WAS GOD AWFULLY AWFUL! Though throwing Choas around was a hell of a lot of fun. TAKE THAT YOU LITTLE FUCK-TARDS! HAHAHA!

How did we come onto this? I was speaking about buggy games! Well I guess the above games are slightly buggy. Ah well, I got everything off my chest that I wanted.


PS: Shadow the Hedgehog doesn't even count as a game anymore.

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