Sunday, 16 November 2008

Lets rock! (GH4 REVIEW! AT LAST!)

Thursday, 6th of November:
"Hello, this is Gamestation, Manchester, how can I help you?"
"Yeah, I'm just phoning about Guitar Hero 4, I've had it on preorder fro about a month, and its been delayed twice already, can you tell me; is it out tomorrow?"
"No sorry, we got the wrong date."
"You've lied to me again?"
"Sorry sir."
Thursday 13th of November
"Is it in tomorrow?"
"No, we got told the drums were faulty."
"Oh, right, keep it on order for me..."
Firday, 14th of November
"Hello, Gamestation."
"You fucking liars. I'm fed up with your service. Game have just delivered my friends copy of the flipping game!"
"Yeah, we only got ours in last night..."
"Sorry sir..."
"I won't be coming again."
"No sir...*CLICK*"

So I went and scoured Manchester for GH4. And Blockbusters, I reccommend. I got it 50 pounds cheaper, full band and everything. Let us dive in.

Ok, from the announcment made back in early 2008, I was on the Guitar Hero band wagon. I had number 3 and 2. I was waiting for the DS version. (I now have a crippled hand.) I was excited. I was hyped. I had played Rock Band. The two games are on par.

So, this is for Wii. And yes, the graphics suffer, but, in reality, do you look at the guys chuggiing along? NO! Your looking at the frikin colours and notes! (I'm baring a grudge against IGN for even bringing that up.) Yes, Rock Band has the upper hand on animation, but GHWT is a different style. On Wii, it looks good, not fantastic, but good. And that, my friends, is good enough for me. The only time you do look at them, is while your waiting for it to start, during a boss battle when they do there thing, and when a celeb comes on. That is the only times.

The songs are solid enough for everyone, none with too much drums or guitar or singing. Everyone will be emphasising on the "UMPH!" of Van Halen, I know my family have. But I was put off when Bon Jovi came on. Me and my dad arn't exactly the biggest of fans.

The instruments are fantastic, but, theres a catch. The guitar now has a slider thingy, which you uses during specific solos, where the notes look metallic. You then proceed down the fret board to these touch buttons, screwing up your note streaks or putting you in the red zone. They can sense static electricity on the fingers or dont work fast enough. There too rough to. At times when you've come out of a long song, and your sliding away, it can begin to hurt. The drums have gameplay issues. (THIS IS MY COPY, SOME WILL HAVE OTHER PROBLEMS OR NONE AT ALL.) The red pad doesn't respond all the time. I have to literally smack it with all my might to get some responce. If you are having problems, please, click this link:
Other than this, the microphone works really well.

Playing in a band is awesome. It feels more realistic than RB. People have been complaining about the "1 fail all fail" system. If Slash fucked up his solo, and then Axel proceeded to fuck up on his lines, you'd boo them off. The whole band would lose money and fans and have live in Slash's hat. But, it's rare someone will fail, as long as they know what there doing. The Band meter is situated in the top corner and is clumsily scrunched up. It can be difficult to read, but the singer isn't always singing, get them to check now and again. I also like how they've added the new fashion; having star power in star power mode. It's dead handy.
The career is like any other GH, play, move on. It might seem linear, but the added boss battles are always good fun. And now, you don't have to worry about fans, in case you have someone who sucks, you can rest with ease that your fans will desert you, because it's not even in the game! But I do miss the rewards at the end, apart from the unlockables you get, I still wanted to win a bus. Ah well, you can't have it all.

The creation mode is beyond impressive. I've got a bright blue, body builder and a flying V with a dragon on. My band's logo, is a monkey with a guitar. Now that's creation for you. The Wii exclusive, Mii Freestyle is pretty cool too. It can help you out with the tricky solos, and positioning of fingers. The music creator is fun too, but takes a learning curve to get a good song. Also some patience. Theres a song on mine with all five buttons being played at the smae time for 5 minutes. AND GUESS WHAT? Nintendo's new, Pay&Play is revield through the power of Downloadable content. Is all good.

So, what do I make of it? A* , *****, 9/10 etc etc! This is worth every penny. But I wanted to sing DRAGONFORCE....

I will do a review for Mirrors Edge soon. Its great so far!

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