Saturday 22 November 2008

Mirrors Edge sucked. Hands Down.

Mirrors Edge; one good looking turd. It had the potential to set a new standard for games. But it failed. It jumped a building too high to reach. And fell. And went splat on the pavement.
Ok lets start with the good points. The graphics push the XBox to the full potential. It's bold and theres no browns or greys of the next generation. To add to the looks, the cartoon cutscenes have a very nice feel to them, can be humurous and well drawn.
It's innovitive. That's the bottom line. It was an expirement that needs just a little extra to make it the game we want.
And dropping from the good to the absolute poor. HOHOHO!
Just to say, I had this on rental, and as usual, i get rather far before I have to hand it back. I played it for 3 days. Not consecutivly, but over a week and completed it within 6 hours. 6 HOURS. 6?! That is pathetic. Even the time trails couldn't bring me back for the last day before handing back time. What's the point? None. I enjoyed the begginging, when you jump onto a helicopter. Very exciting. READER. SPOILER ALERT. SPOILER ALERT. (Mind you theres no story to spoil :P) WHY DID THEY FUCKING PUT IT AT THE END?! SCREW YOU!
I also hated the combat. You were over powered the entire time. Your punches would do no damage unless you spam. There was no tactics involved. And theres an achievment for not firing a gun? Let me tell you now, it can only be unlocked during the training or the first mission.
Theres no story, it gets repetitive and I hate it so much, I can't bear to write about it. It was horrible, the only way you could turn around fast enough is by turning up the sensitivity. Hmm. Well. I give this game a D+. Poor. Very Poor.

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